Sacrificial Lamb
Sacrificial Lamb 194 x 212 cm. (76.3 x 83.4 in.) acrylic, oil stick and paper collage on canvas

Something in me clicked
Time to depict
In both it’s length and width
Let’s look in-depth
Is this my final breath
I’ve already gained wealth
Now I’m begging for breadth
My neck stiffed
Is this a blip
Or have I been hand picked
By some riff-raff
I was tricked
By the havoc that was wreaked
Am I mighty or am I meek
Eeked a sneek peek
Things looked bleak
Felt myself retreat
Needed a week to weep
And a full night sleep
To reach my peak
There was nothing that I lacked
But my brains were wracked
The plot thicked
Tried to keep a stiff upper lip
But I totally flipped
Like a sacrificial lamb
Out on a limb
Prognosis was grim
Chances were slim
Followed my whim
Then went numb
Needed a lift
Like a toilet bowl rim
Causing a rift
Just take a whiff
Of the waft
From the scratch and sniff
Reminiscent of a warm bubble bath
My mind started to drift
In a jiff fell off the cliff
A death wish
Sealed with a kiss
Into the abyss
Eternal bliss
No reason to resist
Cease to exist
I was blitzed
Happened so quick
You passed
I was blessed
Saved face
It was swift
Despite your wrath
I beat death
Kept my faith
My saving grace
In a state of disbelief
Good grief
Utter relief

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